Tuesday 18 November 2014

This is just an update on our Courtyard project!
Year 3 has raised an incredible £328.85 from the sponsored write and bun sale. Thank you again for all your support – it really means a lot to us!
This half term we will be planning and budgeting for the project. As Christmas is on its way and the weather is unpredictable, Mrs Grassham and I think it is more realistic that we will start clearing and developing the area from January onwards.
We will be using some of our Maths investigation sessions to think about budgeting and costs. In computing, we will locate products and suppliers to use in sessions on planning the area both before and after Christmas.
So – we have not stopped! Thanks again for your support and we will keep you updated.

Friday 14 November 2014

Our trip to Magna was a great success!The children behaved beautifully and we saw some amazing sights. Rather than telling you myself, I thought the children could tell you about our trip. Here are two of our recounts, though I must say it was incredibly to difficult to choose from our class writing. Well done Year 3 for super recount writing!

Years 3 and 4 went on a school trip to Magna. We went to Magna because our topic is forces. The day we went to Magna was Friday 7th November 2014.
When we were on the coach I was really excited because I’ve never been to Magna.
First we had a health and safety lesson and then we went to the air pavilion. We went in a room with air pipes and with buzzing in it and there were big fans in the air pavilion.
In the water pavilion there was a mini shower and water guns. The mini shower was best and I went under it but I got drenched. There were boats sailing on water.
We all really enjoyed it at Magna. My favourite part of the day was the fire pavilion because of the fire tornado. I learnt how to make a rocket. Any people of any age would want to go!
Jesse Mirfin.

On Friday 7th November 2014, Years 3 and 4 went on the most amazing school trip to Magna because we wanted to learn about forces for our science. It was in Rotherham near Sheffield. Miss Taylor told us to put our high viz jackets on. When I was on the school bus the teachers told me to put my seat belt on so we didn’t have an accident. When we got to Magna, people were laughing and joking. However, we did not know how much fun it would be!
In the morning my class went to the air and fire pavilion. My favourite was the fire pavilion because of the super-fast fire tornado twirling for all it was worth. Then after the two very entertaining pavilions we went to a workshop. In a team we had to make a hot air balloon. Everyone was scared!
After lunch we went to the biggest pavilion that had two floors – the water pavilion. The water pavilion was everybody’s favourite pavilion because of the shower, the boat and the water pistol. My favourite was the boat because I didn’t get my hair wet in the shower.
The visit was the best visit ever and I think everybody in the school would adore this trip! I think it was a present to be able to go on this trip to Magna. We learnt how hot air balloons fly and also that animals were the first things to go up in a hot air balloon.
Thomas Milner and Evie Lane.