Friday, 16 October 2015

We have had another busy week in Year3. In English we are now learning about explanation texts so we have been identifying the features and have begun to write our plans. On Thursday we made bird feeders so we have decided to explain how it works and how and why we should use them. In maths we have deepened our understanding of how to represent numbers in a range of different ways- so we have been using Diennes, teddies and we have also used sticks and leaves from outside! In computing we have started to learn what we need to do to be presenters- we started by becoming cameramen and recording each other
Citizens of the week- Abbie Dell and Jack Dobbs
Writer of the week- Riley Mitchell
Speaker of the week- Zach Crowther

Making bird feeders in preparation for writing our explanation texts.

Representing 3 digit numbers

Comparing numbers to 1000

Carrying out our invertebrate survey
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Sunday, 11 October 2015

This week in maths we have been ordering and comparing numbers to 1000. As a result, we have completed and made puzzles to help us and carried out a whole class investigation, using die to help us. In English we have persevered with our poems and we are now in the publishing stage. We are going to create a booklet with them all in to celebrate our success! In topic we developed an understanding of Diwali and then cooked a curry, using skills such as peeling, chopping and dicing. Thank you to all of the parents that came to support us.
Speaker of the week- Rosie Carter
Writer of the week- Thomas Hawkins
Citizens of the week- Martha Readman and Joey Peel

Sunday, 4 October 2015

This week in Year 3 we have worked really hard to develop our understanding of place value and poetry! In maths we have been problem solving, finding all the possible numbers three digits can make, creating clue cards and making our very own place value museum. In English we have planned, redrafted and started to write our poems, making sure that they include a range of different features. In topic we investigated a range of different cameras; we got to pass around a Polaroid camera, a Brownie Box camera and many more! We have also been busy outside, as on Tuesday we identified the different types of trees on the school field and created a map of the playground using their leaves to help. Another great week Year 3- well done!

Citizens of the week: Alex White and Lillia Overend
Reader of the week: Stanley Darrington

Writer of the week: Nathan Gledhill