Wednesday, 14 January 2015

Following our Sound workshop, the children wrote blogs about our outdoor activities. Here are a few for you to read. Photos to follow!

First we went into our outdoor classroom to collect sounds for our sound topic. The place that Miss Taylor took us to was very interesting and so beautiful. We closed our eyes and we counted the sounds. When I heard the words, I imagined the little birds flying in the air tweeting away. It felt so magical.I felt very clam and a little terrified. I felt calm because the wind was blowing against me and I felt terrified because I thought that a spider would climb up my arm.
Laila Mawson

Yesterday we made memory stocks outside int he forest. I felt relaxed and clam. We went outside to listen to some sounds. I heard a cockerel, crow=s, birds, cars, trains and the wind. We were making instruments and we needed a sound so we went to find some. On my memory stock I out wet leaf to remind me me of the wet grass that we sat on. Also I chose a strip of grass and tied it around my stick to remind me of the new, fresh air and the trees' oxygen. Last but not least I chose a couple of pine cones and stuck them on to remind me of the squirrels and nature.
Sophia Tolson

Yesterday Year 3 went to the outdoor classroom to make a memory stick. When we made the sticks, everybody felt very excited. On the memory sticks, people used wet leaves to remind them of when we were sitting on the damp grass. as well as leaves people put mini pine cones on so they remembered how nice and pretty the outside classroom was. Some people even used little bits of grass so they could remember how fresh the outdoors was. Everybody made loads of progress!
Jacob Cartwright

Yesterday we went to our outdoor classroom, outside on the field. We went there to do some work. At the end of the lesson we made a memory stick in order to remember that lesson outside. Ms Taylor told us to put 3 things on it and to have a reason. I used a leaf because it reminded me of the wetness and the freshness there! I was really, really sad when we had to stop making it but luckily we could take it back to class. Then we walked through the squelchy mud back to class with the memory stick. I was a bit sad when the lesson was over but we had another exciting lesson waiting for us.
Ella-May Curtis