Thursday, 23 October 2014

Years 3 and 4 did a fantastic job during our Boudicca Music Day! They learnt all about beat and rhythm and presented a super song poem. Considering it was all done in a day, they achieved a tremendous amount! We were really impressed by the turn out for the event - thank you grown ups for making the time to come and see the performance.
Dear all

our trip to the Leeds City Museum was a great hit with the children! They really enjoyed dressing up as Romans and learning all about the period. We did manage to get to the animal and mummy sections too!Thank you again to our helpers!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

We have completed our sponsored write! Thank you for your generosity! The children made a super effort with their writing and I will be sending their pieces home to you. We are really looking forward to our trip to the museum this week. I am sure that as well as Romans, we will find time to have a peek at the famous Leeds mummy!